McIlwain, Charlton D. Black Software: The Internet and Racial Justice, from the AfroNet to Black Lives Matter. Oxford University Press, USA, 2019.
Johnson, Jessica Marie, and Mark Anthony Neal. "Introduction: Wild Seed in the Machine." (2017): 1-2. The Black Scholar: Black Code Studies Issue
Gallon, Kim. "Making a case for the Black digital humanities." Debates in the Digital Humanities (2016): 42-49. https://dhdebates.gc.cuny.edu/read/untitled/section/fa10e2e1-0c3d-4519-a958-d823aac989eb
Fouche, Rayvon. "Say it loud, I'm black and I'm proud: African Americans, American artifactual culture, and black vernacular technological creativity." American Quarterly 58.3 (2006): 639-661.
Brock Jr, André. Distributed Blackness: African American Cybercultures. Vol. 9. NYU Press, 2020.
Black DH Projects and Resources
Alkalimat, Abdul. "eBlack studies: A twenty‐first‐century challenge." Souls: Critical Journal of Black Politics & Culture 2.3 (2000): 69-76.